Extinction Level Event is a book about prophecy over the next twenty years
Extinction Level Event can be purchased through all major internet book retails as either an eBook or paperback.
Extinction Level Event can be purchased through all major internet book retails as either an eBook or paperback.
In 2020, I released the book Extinction Level Event. At the time of publication, I confirmed with Archangel Michael that it was ninety-four per cent accurate, which I thought was okay for being my first book and on prophecy. The wayward six per cent was not amidst the prophecies used, with the only major concern being a downplaying of a magnetic pole reversal.
As I am not a trained scientist on polar magnetics, if you are interested in this topic, I would suggest visiting the YouTube channel Maverickstar Reloaded or the website poleshiftnews.com run by the same expert. At least he is prepared to tell the truth about what is happening, be it in a wordy unscripted manner.
As for Extinction Level Event, on March 25, 2022, the Catholic Church completed a long-awaited task that would see a dramatic improvement in the future for the whole world; so the book’s accuracy took a nosedive.
Pope Francis Changed our Future for the Better
Because Russia is raging a war against Ukraine, the Episcopal Conference of the Ukrainian Church attended the Vatican on March 15, 2022, and requested that Pope Francis consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Ukrainian Church made this request because of the Three Secrets of Fátima. The Blessed Virgin Mary spoke of these secrets to three Portuguese shepherd children in 1917.
While the first secret was to let us know that hell really exists and the third that the Apocalypse is coming, the second secret was a request to consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart so that She may go into Russia and soften the hearts of the people there. She could not do this unless it was asked of Her. The Second Secret of Fátima came with a one-hundred-year warning. The warning was that wars would ensue if this consecration did not come about; however, if it did, the Blessed Virgin Mary would grant the world a period of peace.
On March 25, 2022, as requested by both the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ on several occasions during the early part of the 20th century, Pope Francis and all of the bishops consecrated Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, successfully fulfilling this one-hundred-year warning, be it four and a half years late; hence the war in Ukraine.
The completion of this consecration was some fourteen years earlier than the Divine expected (around the year 2036-2037 during World War III (WWIII)); it changed the future for all of us. We were looking down the proverbial ‘gun barrel’ of a global population of no more than 800 million people by the end of 2042, and now that has all changed.
What has already happened and some of the Changes
Madeleine Porsat was an illiterate domestic servant from Saint-Jean-de-Bournay in France. In 1843, she began to receive heavenly visions and messages. Under Divine instruction Madeleine Porsat spoke of her experiences, which were eventually published in a French periodical called Memorial Catholique, followed by an abridged version in the book The Christian Trumpet.
Madeleine Porsat spoke of ‘Seven Crises’ advised by the Blessed Virgin Mary. Madeleine said, “It is now twenty-six years since I announced to you the seven crisis, the seven wounds and sorrows of Mary which should have to precede Her triumph and our cure, namely: 1. Inclemencies of seasons and inundations; 2. Disease to animals and plants; 3. Cholera over men; 4. Revolutions; 5. Wars; 6. An universal bankruptcy; 7. Confusion.” Her triumph and our cure were to be during the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Apocalypse, which were to happen over three days in 2042.
We are all aware of the continuing devastation brought about by climate change, which would be the ‘inclemencies of seasons’ the Blessed Virgin Mary is referring to. The inundations speak for themselves.
Then there is Covid-19. Perhaps it is the cholera mentioned; however, they are different diseases. Also, it has been predicted that another disease was to come, which now will not happen.
Next is inflation. It seems a stretch to assume inflation would lead to a universal bankruptcy, but they were intrinsically connected. In the book, I spoke of Alois Irlmaier’s prediction that inflation would start and continue to get worse.
While we already find inflation entrenched in our economies, there is no longer a likelihood that this will lead to universal bankruptcy because the circumstances that would have continued to feed such a predicament will not come about. Instead, we will experience monumental change with new inventions such as perpetual motion engines (engines that once started produce enough energy to perpetuate their running plus an excess for external use). The use of fossil fuels will soon be a thing of the past. People have been trying to develop these machines for millennia; what they were missing was a computer chip. As I have been given dreams about perpetual motion engines, I have added a page on this site to share what little I know, hoping someone who can use it finds it.
Most, if not all of the other crises the Blessed Virgin Mary listed are no longer likely to come about.
We were to find civil wars spreading across Europe, with Italy, France, and England hit particularly hard. They will not happen because of the period of peace the Blessed Virgin Mary granted us following Russia’s consecration.
Some civil wars will still happen; the ones I am aware of are Cabo Verde and Abkhazia. Cabo Verde is a small group of islands off the West African coast. Abkhazia used to be part of Georgia; it is a state set up by Russia. While Cabo Verde’s predicament is most likely either corruption or politics, Abkhazia’s is because of a lack of food. Then there are countries like Myanmar. They are not going to resolve their problems in a hurry, as are the Palestinian and Israeli people.
Please be aware that the Divine see the Ukrainians and Russians to be one people; therefore, the conflict there is considered to be a civil war. That also means the Divine see the Taiwanese and Chinese to be one people.
We have also avoided WWIII, which was due to commence between the period of Thursday, October 26, 2034, and Thursday, January 11, 2035. Please excuse these brackets of time; I established them from the prophecies. While I found specific dates from the Bible, I cannot disclose them by God’s (Our Father’s) order. There were a few events connected by specific amounts of days; if you knew one date, you knew them all.
Britain was never in a position to help the Ukrainians against the Russian invaders. It was predicted that during WWIII Russia would drop bombs in the North Sea, flooding England, the Netherlands, and Hamburg, Germany. These bombs, which were probably going to be nuclear, would have caused an earthquake, separating England from Scotland and sending some of southern England into the sea, permanently flooding London. Surprise, surprise; to prevent Britain from supporting Ukraine, Russia threatened them with these North Sea bombs. It still amazes me that prophecies can be so specific.
During WWIII, a new deadly incurable contagious disease was to be released. The responsibility was to lie somewhere between the Chinese and Russian governments. It would have been worse than contracting leprosy, and now will not happen. This disease might be the one the Blessed Virgin Mary meant when She spoke of Cholera.
WWIII was to last 1,290 days, ending between the period of Saturday, May 8, 2038, and Saturday, July 24, 2038.
On the same day as the end of WWIII, the world was to agree to globalism; that is to say, one currency, one country, and one leader. This agreement was to be the catalyst for ending the world war, and in doing so, we were going to accidentally appoint the Antichrist as World Ruler. He is the one who likes the idea of executing Christians by beheading them and would insist you take the mark of the beast, 666. This mark would have put you under Satan’s influence and prevented your ascension to Heaven upon your death, that is if the Antichrist’s tyrannical demands were successful over you.
During the Antichrist’s reign as World Ruler, Our Father was going to send a plague of insects to attack anyone who was not just in all matters and holy, including the Antichrist’s followers (666). It was to be a wake-up call to turn to Our Father and now will not happen.
The Antichrist can no longer be the ruler of the world, as the position was dependent on a world war for it to come about. We are not going to experience globalism any time soon, if ever.
The Antichrist’s death has not changed. The Antichrist will be killed by a bolt of lightning delivered by Our Father between the period of Saturday, October 19, 2041, and Saturday, January 4, 2042. He is currently in his late teens, living in Israel, and will head into politics, including international politics. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Fortunately, he will not become the U.N. Secretary-General.
What is happening at the Moment?
In Chapter Eight, under the heading ‘Deprivation of the Soul’, I talk of an ever-increasing Satanic influence until we enter the Age of Peace in the first quarter of 2042. While I am no longer able to confirm this predicament with Archangel Michael, my opinion is that it has not changed.
I cannot achieve confirmation because it is undecided if I will be continuing with prophetic writing due to my next venture. It is far more important than I realised when I committed myself. There will be others who will write about the future.
Then there is the Shift. It has nothing to do with the north or south poles but a shift in our position or perspective.
Our Father has been increasing the vibration we live on. You would have noticed when you walk into a room where people have been arguing that you can 'cut the air with a knife.' Such aggressive behaviour lowers their vibrations, as well as the environment they are in. While this is an example of lower vibrations, Our Father has been increasing ours.
You and I might not particularly notice a general increase in the vibration we all exist on due to our spiritual advancements, but people with violent thinking and behaviour would. They could find themselves feeling more and more out of sorts, making them ever-increasingly unpredictable until they start to mend their ways. The movement towards a higher vibration through a change in personality would have them finding life becoming increasingly more pleasant to tolerate.
While further vibrational shifts are most likely, there is a possibility that this scenario is not the only answer; we shall have to wait and see.
The Shift started in 2022 and will be finished sometime in 2025, as a gradual process is required.
The Day of the Antichrist’s Demise
Once the Antichrist is dead, we will experience an illumination of our souls. This Illumination is a gift from Our Father to show us the state of our soul in His divine truth and light. Once experienced, we can decide what each of us wants to do about it. If you have not already, the Illumination will give you the opportunity to turn to Our Father, or for some, decide otherwise.
Extinction Level Event spends time discussing the importance of the Illumination. It is a prophecy that has not changed.
What you are not being told
In 1992, NASA found themselves in serious trouble with the U.S. government; the sort of trouble that would find the scientists there unlikely to ever find work again, even at a fast-food take-away.
NASA advised the world of an additional planet in our solar system. While they said it is around five to eight Earth masses, it is closer to ten. It orbits on an angle of between 32° and 40° below that of all the other planets and comes up to the ecliptic (level with the other planets) as it circles the Sun between Venus’ orbital path and the Earth’s orbital path. It has a 10,000-year orbit and is not due back near us for another 8,000 years (yes, it was here during the life of Jesus Christ). It has not been found as yet, but that did not stop Caltech (California Institute of Technology) from also working out that it is out there.
So why was NASA in such trouble?
When we read about the Star of Bethlehem (a.k.a. Planet X), it is about reflective light from the planet on a ten-thousand-year orbit. Yet, in the Book of Revelation, Our Father talks about a star called Wormwood, and this time it is a star; it just happens to be a brown dwarf. However, Wormwood is not alone; it is in a binary solar system with another brown dwarf star. Moreover, we are in a trinary star system better described as binary solar systems on 25,772-year orbits (axial precession provided the answer); and these solar systems are about to come quite close to each other (2038-2042). Again, details are in Extinction Level Event.
The additional planet in our Solar System is a rogue planet. It belongs to the other solar system and is trapped here by the gravitational pull of the Sun at around fourteen times bigger than these large brown dwarf stars.
Between the period of November 2038 and January 2039, the first of these brown dwarf stars was to cause a temporary pole shift, massive earthquakes and tsunamis, and strip the Earth from being able to produce rain, taking three years to recover. This situation would have caused worldwide famine.
Due to the changes in our future already mentioned, - especially Russia's consecration, the period of peace the Blessed Virgin Mary granted the world, and the Shift we are going through - instead of this string of natural disasters culminating in worldwide famine, Our Father decided to temporarily slow the orbits of these brown dwarf stars so that the Earth has time to move out of the way by continuing with its orbit around the Sun. The other result is that neither of the brown dwarf stars will come quite as close to the Sun as they were going to.
The U.S. government did not want you to know any more about these stars than you already do because of the social and economic instability it could cause, including knowledge of one of their planets, being Planet X that NASA blabbed about. And, if you did, it would have been for nought because Our Father has cancelled the Apocalypse, also known as ‘the end of days’, by no longer making these stars a threat. Even so, I hope we still see them, be it through a telescope rather than the naked eye. So let’s move on to the second of these stars the Bible ominously describes as Wormwood.
The Apocalypse
I understand that there is one apocalyptic event to come. Firstly, I will describe the Apocalypse we were going to have, and then look at the remaining aspect.
Between Thursday, January 2, 2042, and Thursday, March 20, 2042, Jesus Christ was to descend from Heaven with power and great glory. Within minutes of witnessing this event in His omnipresence, the sky was to darken because we were about to enter into a belt of toxic iron oxide dust that trails Wormwood. In doing so, we would have experienced meteors on fire falling like rain. The only way to survive was to go inside and pray for Divine protection from the meteors, as well as not breathe in the dust.
The proximity of Wormwood to the Sun would have caused Wormwood to release a pulse similar to, but not the same as, an electromagnetic pulse, commonly known as an EMP. This pulse would not have been so much of a problem compared to the one the Sun was to release in kind. The Sun’s pulse was going to heighten our magnetic poles to the point where the Sun’s magnetic poles could grab ours and align them with its own – a best fit, as our magnetic poles are rarely opposite each other in their wanderings.
Moving our magnetic poles in this sudden manner would rotate the planet onto a new pole axis, and this is where things were going to get really bad. The Earth is not round but an oblate spheroid. That is to say, it bulges at the equator and is flat at the north and south poles due to centrifugal force caused by the constant rotation of the planet. Centrifugal force pulls the Earth’s mass from the ends of the axis and redistributes it at 90° in the centre, being the equator.
Centrifugal force wants to turn everything into a disc, such as with our solar system or galaxy; however, gravity, being the opposing force, wants to make everything round, such as with stars and planets.
The difference between the bulge and flattening effects is substantial at 42.77 kilometres. An average equatorial bulge is 7.129 kilometres. Please do not expect the difference to be between a sea level measurement and elevation. As centrifugal force causes these effects, the process also raises the sea around the equator; we just do not notice it. The measurement needs to be from the centre of the planet to the surface. The flattening effect at the north and south poles averages at 14.255 kilometres each.
If the planet were to rotate onto a new axis, even if it were still partly on the old flattening effect, it would cause earthquakes from the equator through to the poles as the bulge collapses and back again as the poles rise. In addition, the seismic activity would continue for three days as the new bulge and polar flattening effects are also established. The only way to stop your home from falling down during this process was through Divine intervention due to constant prayer. But, if you think that was the end of it? Not on your life!
Our Father was to be at Mount Ararat during this event so he could take us through Judgement. All people that were not just in all matters and holy would not have survived (there were to be some exceptions).
The demons were to be let loose from hell and given permission to kill everyone that is not just and holy, especially the Antichrist followers (666). The demons were also to be allowed to destroy everything that was not the personal property of the just and holy; this is Judgement!
The Apocalypse was going to kill about five to six billion people.
Following the Apocalypse, due to injuries, a lack of medicines, a lack of medical care, starvation, exposure, and most of all, due to a lack of uncontaminated drinking water caused by the iron oxide dust (rust), the world’s population was going to decline from around two billion people to 800 million maximum by the end of 2042. The Bible is quite descriptive about Wormwood’s trail making the waters bitter. Drink this sort of water, and you are dead.
Although we are no longer going to have an apocalypse, we are still going to have Judgement. Will it include the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? He was to return for our protection. Have the parameters for Judgement changed? I have no idea and am not about to be told by the Divine any time soon.
On one hand, the demons may still be released from hell and allowed to kill everyone that is not just and holy; and you would do well to be both. They might still be allowed to destroy everything that is not the personal property of the just and holy. Who knows?
On the other hand, Judgement might take an entirely new form. For example, none of us might die during this event, or even be aware that it is happening (no demons), but if we are not just and holy, it could determine our destination after we die – purgatory or hell. That is to say, that entry into Heaven could be reserved for the righteous and holy; in the past it was based on our good and bad deeds, particularly the bad ones, and whether we repented them or not.
Judgement is the only event remaining from the Apocalypse; however, Our Father has moved it forward.
No man or angel may know the day or the hour of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and I am no exception. At first, I thought I had discovered the date, as I had calculated it from the Book of Revelation. Being mortified at the result of my investigation and knowing I got it right, I was in tears while I tried to absorb what I had done.
Sometime later, the opportunity arose for Archangel Michael to explain that there is a leeway of forty-eight hours, which could overlap or be on either side of the said date provided in the Book of Revelation; I was so relieved. I only knew the week of Our Lord’s second coming.
The Antichrist was to reign as World Ruler for exactly 1,260 days, ending between Saturday, October 19, 2041, and Saturday, January 4, 2042, with his demise. The difference between the date the Antichrist dies from a bolt of lightning and the date provided in the Book of Revelation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is seventy-five days (details are in Extinction Level Event). As we experience the Illumination of our souls on the day the Antichrist is killed, it would make no sense to have Judgement before this date. Therefore the event is unlikely to be moved much more than seventy-five days forward.
Now we need to talk about the Age of Peace, which commences the day after we were to experience the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse was due to happen between Thursday, January 2, 2042, and Thursday, March 20, 2042, and was to last for three days.
The Age of Peace
While I talk about the Age of Peace in Extinction Level Event, what I am about to explain could not be put into the book. The problem was that the book was so doom and gloom with WWIII and other wars, including a nuclear one (I found out that it was to be North Korea and China), famine, earthquakes, tsunamis, and an apocalypse; none of which will now happen. Although all of these prophecies were balanced by the Age of Peace, any more negativity would have been too much. I will take some time to explain what is about to change when we enter into the Age of Peace and it might take you by surprise; I was told several times before it sunk in.
Firstly, we need to start with your soul. It has its own consciousness. Have you ever said anything and wondered where it came from because it was not your thought? This experience is when your soul takes over; you are part of it, not the other way around. There are subconsciousness, consciousness, and soul consciousness. Once a soul generates a person, that person continues to live for all eternity, which might only be until the universe collapses back into a singularity; nonetheless, that is an awfully long time. I understand that we are from the sixth Big Bang.
There are two ways a soul can learn. The first one is from everything we do – the good, the bad, everything.
The second way is from its own actions. My soul does not sit around waiting for my experiences; it is an advocate. It helps disembodied spirits (ghosts) ascend to Heaven, but there is also someone from the other side trying to take the person to hell. My soul more often than not wins. Disembodied spirits are people who have not moved on to Heaven, hell or purgatory following the end of their life; they are effectively stuck here for a variety of reasons. As you can see from my story, your soul is not necessarily always inside of you.
The dilemma for a soul is that you cannot learn everything you and it needs in one lifetime, and to make sure that more than one lifetime can happen, we eventually die. So we are in a cycle of birth and death until we become enlightened. A fully enlightened person stays the same person because he or she is no longer subjected to the birth cycle.
Let’s have a look at a soldier’s death. Perhaps this soldier was captured by the Iraqis during Operation Desert Storm, tortured and buried alive in a coffin, leaving him traumatised. How would a baby cope while still in this state? It couldn’t, which is an example of why we go to Heaven between each life.
In the book, Echoes of the Soul, The soul’s journey beyond the light – through life, death, and life after death, Echo Bodine explains that we stay in Heaven for around sixty years (purgatory and hell are different stories). These sixty years can be shortened, or in some cases, lengthened, particularly if a person is waiting for their partner who still wants their full sixty years.
Many people shorten their stay in Heaven, particularly at the moment with such monumental changes taking place; I did. In my previous life, I was a jackaroo (ranch hand) in a region called Tenterfield, a few hours away. I was even one of the saddler’s customers (George Woolnough), Peter Allen’s grandfather. Peter’s song ‘The Saddler’ is worth a listen. I died from a spider bite. In this part of Australia, we have Black Widows, Funnel-webs, and Red Backs, and all are highly venomous. Leaving Heaven early has left me with a phobia of spiders, particularly centipedes; yet, I have no fear of snakes (just respect), even though I have met some of the most deadly in the wild, including a king cobra and a viper.
Time in Heaven is for rest, recovery, and preparation for the next life. We prepare a life plan before we start our next life and choose an incarnation (new life) based on that plan; but it is only a plan, as things can change.
The last topic is the dimensions in the universe, and then I can tie everything together.
We all know that our bodies are three-dimensional, at least the part of them we can see. If we then investigate the fourth dimension, we need to add time.
When we ascend to Heaven following death, we enter into a fourth-dimensional realm and can achieve that because of the nonphysical fourth-dimensional parts of our body, such as our chakras, aura, and astral body. A substantial difference between the third and fourth dimensions is that here time is linear, with one moment followed by the next. In the fourth dimension, time is still linear, but we can move anywhere on that linear timeline – forwards or backwards.
Because we have free will to change the future, such as what Pope Francis did for us in consecrating Russia, the future is not fixed; therefore we can only see the most likely outcome from our current third-dimensional point in time (Our Father’s intervention provides for exceptions).
But what about the higher dimensions? We could talk about multiple realities or timelines, but the answer would take volumes to achieve and is therefore pointless for this explanation. String Theory is the study of the contents of atoms. This science identified that our part of the universe has ten dimensions; Our Father may have many more. I will explain more about the nature of the universe on another page on this website called Construct of the Universe.
After dying and going to Heaven, people tend to settle into their own communities, particularly cultural or religious ones. You will not be confronted with a hundred thousand alien species on your doorstep; that would be too much. Therefore, Heaven is segregated so that we may cope; however, there is another type of heavenly segregation – dimensions.
The heavenly realms are fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensional, while the eighth, ninth, and tenth are god realms. Nirvana is seventh dimensional (seventh heaven). It is a holding pen until the nonbeliever realises God exists, then the person can move upwards and onwards in Our Father’s service; the Buddha did, as He is now a god. Some people get stuck in Nirvana for millions of years; mind you, it is the most pleasant holding pen in the universe.
The rite of passage for all humans is from Heaven to Earth. No one can be born from purgatory or hell to Earth. Each person sent to these places has to ascend to Heaven first, and from there, they can eventually be born on Earth. While these parameters will remain the same, the problem is that another rite of passage is about to change.
Currently, all humans, who are not fully enlightened, can be born here from either fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh-dimensional Heaven. Once we enter into the Age of Peace in the first quarter of 2042, to maintain that age as intended, the new rite of passage will be from fifth, sixth or seventh-dimensional Heaven; no one from the fourth dimension will be allowed to be born here. The Age of Peace will last for ten thousand years. The problem is the new rite of passage affects the vast majority of us.
Echo Bodine, in her book Echoes of the Soul, advises that there are fifth-dimensional teachers in fourth-dimensional Heaven teaching how to transcend this dimension, which is encouraging. However, you should not rely on achieving this in Heaven because it is so much more comfortable there that it is a harder environment to learn in, and you only have sixty years!
When it is time for fourth-dimensional people to reincarnate during the Age of Peace, they will be taken somewhere else in the universe to achieve that, as they would have lost the right to return to Earth (The Gaia Project 2012: The Earth’s Coming Great Changes by Hwee-Yang Jang was perhaps far more informative than people understood).
Because we cannot identify the difference between a fourth and fifth-dimensional person, we need to start preparing now. We need to be the best version of ourselves in everything we think, speak, and do, and be holy, too.
I have devoutly Catholic friends who put me to shame. They go to church as often as they can, but it is their prayers that surprise me. They pray many times a day and so much so, that when I asked how many, they could not tell me. Their thoughts are never far from Our Father, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Michael or Saint Joseph. Another friend of mine embodies Christian values in every action every day. Mind you, she has met Jesus Christ in this life, which is quite a motivator. But, Christianity is not the only way. My dear Hindu friend Rajeev Gupta is so spiritual and holy that he inspires me every time I talk with him.
The appendices in Extinction Level Event offer some help with spiritual growth for people starting this journey.
Finally, I want to tell you about what I was doing in the year prior to the consecration of Russia. Archangel Michael asked me to write a television documentary series on the prophecies leading up to and including the Apocalypse.
I had finished the manuscript, drawn a map of how Russia would initially invade Europe, and another on tectonic plate movement and where the tectonic plates would break into smaller ones. I also drew a more detailed diagram of star orbits in our binary solar systems. All I needed to do was to get a graphic designer to put the diagrams and maps into a digital form, then tidy up the grammar on the last five of the twelve episodes and I would have been ready to send it all to my producer contact in Los Angeles. The Divine and I were hoping it would be made for cable television or Netflix.
Of course, it is all pointless now that our future has changed, but what Archangel Michael advised some weeks prior to the consecration of Russia is that my manuscript was one hundred per cent accurate; I had got the hang of divine guidance.
I noticed that while I was writing this website, again, I had divine guidance and therefore am confident that what I have portrayed is correct as of 2023.
I wish you a bright and happy future.
Extinction Level Event
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